

Before you run /auctions, make sure to first

Auction Process

  • Include authorization header.
  • Provide product IDs (sponsored listings) or slotIDs (banners).
  • Specify auction type (banner/listings) and number of responses (ad slots on page).
  • Optional parameters for special use cases (category pages, location targeting, keywords) help select competing campaigns.


  • Type: Choose between sponsored listings or banners.
  • Product/Slot IDs: Provide product IDs (sponsored listings) or slot IDs (banners).
  • Slots: Define the number of slots returned from auctions.


  • Results object: Contains auction winners (up to 5).
  • Each array item: Includes rank and Resolved Bid ID.
  • Only active bids can win. Number of slots is an upper limit for winners; actual number may be less. Handle cases with no winners.


Avoid caching results

Don’t reuse auction results across users or page reloads.
Don’t cache results; cache product IDs for /auctions requests if needed.


Sample recipe for running an auction on a search page provided for Python and NodeJS.