Spending Limits

In summary

When creating a new campaign you will set a period (daily, weekly, monthly) and an amount for the campaign budget. For daily campaign budgets, the amount you set will be your daily budget. For weekly or monthly campaigns, we divide your budget to the number of days to find the average budget. For example, your average daily budget will be weekly budget/7, or monthly budget/30.

Considering your average daily budget, your campaign can spend:

  • As a daily spending limit, 2 times your average daily budget on any particular day. Your campaign will be able to spend more than the average daily budget if in the last few days it spent less than the average daily budget. This remaining amount will be stored as a carryover for the next days.
  • If the budget period is monthly, your campaign will have a monthly spending limit (30 times your average daily budget for most campaigns).

Daily spending limit

The daily spending limit is the maximum amount a campaign can spend on a given day. This limit is your average daily budget multiplied by 2. On a given day, your campaign might spend up to twice your average daily budget to take advantage of fluctuations of traffic. At the end of month, the amount you will have spent on average every day will match your average daily budget.

For example, if your average daily budget is set to $20, your daily spending limit is going to be $20 * 2 = $40.

Monthly spending limit

The monthly spending limit is the maximum amount you can pay for a monthly budget campaign over a month.

It is the value you set when you create a campaign with the budget period as monthly. If your campaign starts after day 1 of a month, we'll only take into account the days the campaign will be running during that month to estimate the monthly spending limit.

Similarly, if you set a daily budget, your monthly spending limit will be 30*daily budget. If you choose the daily period instead, your campaign will not have a monthly limit, but on average it will spend the daily budget.

For instance, if your monthly budget is $600, the average daily budget will be set to be $600 / 30 = $20.