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Topsort Javascript library

topsort.js is the official Topsort javascript client library. This project is built with TypeScript and uses Bun for package management and testing.


Using npm:

Terminal window
npm install @topsort/sdk --save

Using yarn:

Terminal window
yarn add @topsort/sdk --save



To create an auction, first initialize a Topsort Client, then call the createAuction function:

import { TopsortClient, Auction } from "@topsort/sdk";
const auctionDetails: Auction = {
auctions: [
type: "listings",
slots: 3,
category: { id: "cat123" },
geoTargeting: { location: "US" },
type: "banners",
slots: 1,
device: "desktop",
slotId: "slot123",
category: { ids: ["cat1", "cat2"] },
geoTargeting: { location: "UK" },
const config = {
// generate your api key in the auction manager - it should look some thing like this
// note: this is an invalid key and won't work, you need to replace it with your own
apiKey: "TSE_4S6o1g1CB5tyRENfhDMAn6viR7A5cy3j1JAR",
const topsortClient = new TopsortClient(config)
.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((error) => console.error(error));


config: An object containing configuration details including the API key. Please refer to Auction Manager

Config Parameters
  • apiKey: Your Topsort API Key
  • userAgent: Optional user agent to be added as part of the request. Example: Mozilla/5.0
  • timeout: Optional timeout in milliseconds. Default is 30 seconds. If timeout is reached, the call will be rejected with an AbortError.

auctionDetails: An object containing the details of the auction to be created, please refer to Topsort’s Auction API doc for body specification.

Sample response


"results": [
"winners": [
"rank": 1,
"type": "product",
"id": "p_Mfk11",
"resolvedBidId": "WyJiX01mazExIiwiMTJhNTU4MjgtOGVhZC00Mjk5LTMyNjYtY2ViYjAwMmEwZmE4IiwibGlzdGluZ3MiLCJkZWZhdWx0IiwiIl0=="
"error": false
"winners": [],
"error": false


"status": 400,
"statusText": "No Content",
"body": {
"errCode": "bad_request",
"docUrl": "",
"message": "The request could not be parsed.",


To report an event, first initialize a Topsort Client, then call the reportEvent function:

import { TopsortClient, Event } from "@topsort/sdk";
const event: Event = {
impressions: [
id: "1720706109.713344-53B92988-7A49-4679-B18E-465943B46149",
occurredAt: "2024-07-11T13:55:09Z",
opaqueUserId: "38e0a5ff-9f8a-4e80-8969-e5e3f01348e8",
placement: {
path: "/categories/sports",
const config = {
// generate your api key in the auction manager - it should look some thing like this
apiKey: "TSE_4S6o1g1CB5tyRENfhDMAn6viR7A5cy3j1JAR",
const topsortClient = new TopsortClient(config)
.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((error) => console.error(error));


config: An object containing configuration details including the API key. Please refer to Auction Manager

event: An object containing the details of the event to be reported, please refer to Topsort’s Event API doc for body specification.

Sample response


"ok": true,
"retry": false


"status": 400,
"statusText": "No Content",
"body": {
"errCode": "bad_request",
"docUrl": "",
"message": "The request could not be parsed."


"ok": false,
"retry": true

Retryable Errors

The reportEvent function returns "retry": true if the response status code is 429 or any 5xx. This enables you to identify when it’s appropriate to retry the function call.