Carousels, Swimlanes

Carousels and Swimlanes

Create delightful carousels and swimlanes with sponsored products by sending an auction request with a curated list of candidate products. Candidates can include related products, items from the same category, or brand. This enables you to design various ad offerings for category pages, search results, product detail pages, or even the homepage using a single request. Topsort will return the winning product_ids to include in the carousel or swimlane.

For instance, design a carousel for a Product Listing Page (PLP) in an app showcasing six products in total, with a minimum of two products. Generate the list of organic candidate products using your internal algorithm for related products. Before displaying the products, call an auction with the list of organic candidates and set the slots parameter to 3, allowing Topsort to provide three winners. Append the organic results to display a total of six products in the carousel.


Use ‘location’ for vendors to create specific campaigns for this section


Example auction request for a carousel with 3 sponsored listing slots for Palo Alto visitors

  "auctions": [
      "type": "listings",
      "slots": 3,
      "products": {
        "ids": [
      "geoTargeting": {
        "location": "Palo Alto"


The response includes the top 3 products for the carousel, ranked by auction results. If no winners or errors occur, display only organic results. A boolean variable, error, indicates auction success.

Example API V2 response in JSON format:

  "results": [
      "winners": [
        // winner details
      "error": false

Use the 'location' parameter for vendors to create specific campaigns in this section, maintaining separate conversion rates and unaffected quality scores.

You can also create carousels and swimlanes with Banners.