Product Feed

You can share catalog with Topsort using standard Google Product Feeds or Tab-Separated Values (TSV) files. These formats allow for efficient and organized data synchronization, crucial for maintaining up-to-date auction listings.

Supported Formats

You can choose to integrate your product catalog in one of the following formats:

CSV / TSV File Integration

To integrate using a TSV file, follow these detailed guidelines:


Here is an example product feed file.

id	name	description	vendor.0.image_link	image_link	price	availability
1293	Green Mask	Green Mask for removing imperfections, use during night or day	1710000087	Derma Laboratories		10000087	Skin Care	61	Beauty & Health	23935.29	out of stock
1302	Cleanser Gel	N/A	17829100	Shiny Laboratories		10000087	Skin care	16050.42	in stock

File Content Requirements:
Your TSV file should include comprehensive product information with the following columns


Required Fields

These are the only required fields of catalog integration. Either brand or vendor could work.

  • id: ProductID, Unique identifier for each product
  • title: Name of the product
  • Category name for the primary category of the product. If you have a category unique identifier provide it in the column, if not we will assume a slug of the name for the id.
  • : Could be the vendor or brand name of the product. This is the entity that has his own budget to advertise the product and competes with other vendors/brands. If you have a unique identifier provide it in the, if not we will assume a slug of the name for the id.


  • price: Product price.
  • image_link: URL to the product’s image.
  • availability: Stock status. Must have one of the values in stock, out of stock or preorder
  • description: Detailed description of the product


More catalog information pass?

How to integrate your catalog with sub-categories, sub-brands, and more!

Multiple Vendors and Categories:
Each product can be associated with multiple vendors or categories. Use array syntax for these attributes in your TSV file:

  • Multiple vendors:,,,, etc.
  • Multiple categories:,,,, etc.

Google Taxonomy Format
For categories, you may also use Google's taxonomy format to describe more complex, hierarchical relationships, such as google_product_category: Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Dresses.

♻️Synchronization and Hosting

Hosting Your Catalog File:

  • Host your TSV file at a URL that Topsort can access publicly or with basic authorization headers.
  • Use the ETag header to help Topsort determine if the file has been updated since the last fetch


  • Slugs: For any items where IDs are not provided, we use a 'slug' derived from the name, formatted in kebab-case (e.g., my-house for "My House"). The format is based on the npm slugify library standard.

This guide aims to streamline your catalog integration process with Topsort, ensuring that your product listings are always synchronized and optimized for auction-based advertising. For more detailed information on file formats and API usage, please refer to the official Google Product Data Specification and our Catalog API documentation.