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New: Ad reviews UI

August 31, 2022

Welcome back to another product update! We’ve improved the ad reviews interface and user flows, so that marketplace users can easily review banner ad campaign requests at scale. Our new “manage” tab organizes the requests by status: pending approval, approved, rejected, and rejected with feedback.

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The new “manage” tab for ad reviews

What is ad reviews used for?

After a vendor creates a banner ad campaign and submits it for marketplace approval, the marketplace can either approve or reject their submission before it goes live or becomes eligible for ad auctions.


Ad reviews used to exist as its own category on the sidebar. We’ve moved ad reviews into a “manage” tab right next to the “configurations” module. Now you can manage everything banner ad-related in one place.

The “manage” tab organizes all requests by status, so that users can quickly see which vendors require approval for their banner ads and which are in the process of revision. This readability improvement will hopefully streamline your banner ad campaign management processes to be even faster.

Navigating the new tab requires an understanding of the different status types. Here are the status labels explained:

Waiting for approvalThe request is pending the marketplace’s review and approval.
ApprovedThe marketplace has approved the campaign and the campaign is now live.
RejectedThe marketplace has rejected the campaign. The vendor can fix the campaign and resubmit it for approval.
Rejected • waiting for updatesThe marketplace has rejected the campaign and sent feedback to the vendor to make corrections. The vendor can fix the campaign based on the feedback and resubmit it for approval.

Lastly, here are some other new features on this page.

  • You can click on a campaign’s creative or its “See details” button after it is approved to view its “Campaign Details” page.
  • The pop-up window for inputting feedback now gives you default multiple choice options as well as a text field for you to write specific suggestions for a vendor to fix their campaign before resubmission.

Check out our knowledge base article if you have more questions about reviewing ads on this new “manage” tab.