Sponsored Listings

search, category, swimlanes, checkout and cross sell pages

What are sponsored listings?

Sponsored Listings are the most recommended and sought-after ad type for marketplaces of all kinds. They drive the most vendor adoption, scale quickly, and is the easiest to test when first starting the monetization process.

Driven by relevance, sponsored listings show users the same products that would organically appear on the page or category. Products enrolled in a campaign are bumped to the best positions to increase impressions for participating vendors and brands.

Sponsored Listings can also be called Sponsored Products, Promoted Products or Promoted Listings.

Here are some examples of sponsored listings:

Topsort Sponsored Listings

Sponsored Listings

Topsort Sponsored Listings

Sponsored Listings

Topsort Sponsored Listings

Sponsored Listings

Sponsored ads are a great way to advertise because the customers who see your ad are actually interested in the products. In the example above, the customer searched for "lipstick", and the ads they see are extremely relevant, these are products the customer wants.